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..2 years on! ord to uni. when will be the next outing?..
ee ghim
jon lew
lawrence ang
mr lynn
|teacher i/c
ms neeta
|teacher i/c

memories of 2006. our legacy.
acx vedio 1 - directed by david | 191288

dedicated by colin|191188 to the band of runners
Brothers Under The Sun
by Bryan Adams

I had a dream - of the wide open prairie
I had a dream - of the pale morning sky
I had a dream - that we flew on golden wings
And we were the same - just the same - you and I
Follow your heart - little child of the west wind
Follow the voice - that's calling you home
Follow your dreams - but always, remember me
I am your brother - under the sun

We are like birds of a feather
We are two hearts joined together
We will be forever as one
My brother under the sun

Wherever you hear - the wind in the canyon
Wherever you see - the buffalo run
Wherever you go - I'll be there beside you
Cos you are my brother - my brother under the sun

[Wednesday, December 20, 2006]

I have known Muraly, the Black Stalion of our team, since he was sec 2 at ACSI. We were travelling together on the same mrt with another acsi friend (whom i cannot recall) to boon lay and that was the first time that i had a conversation with him. He strikes me as a very humble and determined fellow, and i later came to know that he won the national primary school track and field.

On the track during training, he always pushes himself to the very best and of course, if i allow, he would always run barefoot! His presence and his attitude towards training have always inspired me, and his contribution to the this fellowship cannot be replaced by anything else on this earth. I could vividly recall during one of our 800m training that me, kusal and him pushed and encouraged each other during each of our sets. Even though the workout was punishing and the pain and the lactic he had to endure was probably much more than the both of us infront, he pushed himself so hard to catch up and run with us. I was very touched as it is the epitome of team running, where every teammate would push pass the pain barrier not for personal glory, but team glory. One can have a team of talented runners through chance, but one definitely cannot have a team of runners that are willing to run and sacrifice for each other! Muraly, is part of this special fellowship that i treasure alot.

And as he moves on with the next phase of his life, i wish him the very best. He has been through some tough times, but it did not take him down. That is why i'm sure that he will be able to hurdle through difficult times that will arise in the future like the water hurdle at steeplechase. Good luck and Band of Runners Forever!

*eeghim salutes muraly.

Muraly in action!

Muraly making waves. (Look at the water behind!)

egg-him mission report by [egg-him 170587]
mission accomplished at [2:33 AM]


[Monday, December 18, 2006]

[special update]
urgent attention required.

muraly s/o mohan s/o muriagah s/o... s/o m_ _

the band of runners hq is regretting to announce the lost of one of the 10 elites from the boys squad. imported from the motherland of india, muraly was one of our black stalions. ok, the only BLACK stalion. his contributions were legendary, including the deafening "toot" sounds that he makes and the tremendous amount of things he has stolen. we truly remember him for his black nights, black mails & nails, black currents, black magic, black face and black moles.

the usual black face (no pun intended)

the black magic on the course road - where he like kena black current thru his body. eeeeeengland.

and of course, black cake for the black day.

updating his profile soon. the seeing off will be held at pasir ris mrt at 0900hrs on 18 December 2006. compulsory security mission #6 for the rest of the 9 band of runners, reply hq if unable to turn up. please be there if you wish to pay your last respects and be racist for the last time.


btw, muraly's not dead. he's just going to prison. oh sorry, i mean tekong.


latest: Mission #06

rather emotional time at pasir ris bus terminal..

we salute our long-sleeved blacck clothed brother.

sammission report by [sam 041188]

mission accomplished at [1:16 AM]


[Sunday, December 17, 2006]

mission #5 update: the cross camp.
anglo-chinese junior collge. 14-16 Dec 2006.

it was really a good and looong time of fun. with lots of sports and disputes, amongst other squads. but one thing i'm sure of is that we're not gonna forget all these stupid shit.

everybody reported late on the first day.. i think they thought it was 2030 instead of 0830. so yea. had dinner and it was off to play some waterbomb game which really was the start of all the shit. all the smash faces, knocks and crazy cheating.

after dinner, testing out the camera.

after the water bombing. glad we survived..

then after that we randomly decided to play netball. in the dark middle of the night of course. really fun. top scorer was the stealth santosh and my team won the golden goal after like an hour and a half of running and tricking. after that was to the pool to dip of course. kinda scary at night. really, water was dark but we didnt care. only thing we were scared of was the cold temperature. good training tho.

the netties. hahaha, i cut off the skirts.

and of course i must show off my brilliant idea of chilling hot cans of coke. check it out. hahaha.

and the second day was cycling at east coast. oh btw, 131188 has finally learned how to ride the bike. really fast learner. now came the war games. codeword "tameleh". quite fun except for all the injuries and dispute stuff. but we had a good super again at fong seng. oh man so many memories.. haha.

but first, massage at night byt the sinseh

the last day was the rather the best. the indian got pranked, retribution from the misdeeds during the night. i put paste on his hands and naturally it went all over :)

while everyone was out playing the amazing race, it was dai dee at every funny place you could ever think of. the cafe was out of air con so we had our fun in the small pool with the floating frisbee. haha, but of course being in acjc, we were stopped - not because we were gambling, but just in case people blogged about us. what an irony (see the last sentence) i think the HQ should just chill. (email me if u want the pic). anyway drinking goggles was the better alternative.

indian with stupid hair: ahhh lightning!!!

gosh it was more fun than anyone could ever expected. played for almost an hour half, with colin cheating (managing to sneak away with the forfeit - wearing underwear inside) tim was the next victim of the dare.

play play only ah, he's not that aqua

:- 041188 out
mission accomplished at [10:34 PM]


[Wednesday, December 06, 2006]

the moment! hahaha actually we had a Mission 3 and a half before this but again only few reported. went to look and clothes and stuff before d-day itself.

side information: 170587 was injured during mission #3 and still under ops ward.

we walked around the whole of town many times to get a few shirts and ties. haha. didnt know the guys could be so particular..ahaha.

christmas tree at taka. fall in point.

170587 out of action. on mc for next 2 weeks

and of course we didnt forget the trip to muraly's father's shop! hahaha!

prom was just great. the only shit was the food. nonsense 90bucks for bo choi and mushroom, fried chicken and brown rice. eeeek. seriously nobody cared about the commander infront. all busy snapping photos away. even the band of runners were busy taking photos. the companionship was just great. like the whole HQ coming together and singing the school song for the last time haha.

trying the russian dance

outside DXO! whoohoo party party.

anyone got better pics zi dong upload hor.

-:041188 out

mission accomplished at [11:18 PM]


[Monday, December 04, 2006]

pardon the disrupted transmission of the band of runners reports. problems occured with the admin dept and it has thereby been rectified by the colonel.

anyway. mission three. only few the squad turned up to stayover for the next day's marathon. had quite abit of fun. especially indoor and outdoor sports (watch soccer and play soccer)

the big screen at jumbo. spurs 0 - arsernal 3

arrrgh, cant stand the smoke! hahaha.

soccer till 1am then relax at the pool, of course avoiding the radars.

good luck and congratulations marathoners :)

mission #4 coming up soon! prom prom prom! seeya!

-:041188 out

mission accomplished at [11:50 PM]


nonsense talk...

one boring day, the runners decided to swim when......
acx episode 1 - directed by sam | 041188
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